Dad was such a hard worker and great employee of Sears for around 30 years (not sure exactly- - mom you can correct me). He NEVER called in sick and even when he started getting sick with cancer, before we knew it was cancer, he worked right through being sick, throwing up and feeling just TERRIBLE!! He was such an admirable man!
By being a Sears technician for so many years, he could FIX ANYTHING!! This was good and bad! It was good because we saved a lot of money not having to buy new things when things broke or pay someone to come out and fix things. BUT it was bad when something became SOOO old and we really, really just wanted a new one- - -he would fix it. I remember having a hair dryer that was probably as old as I was and dad would just keep fixing it. He even put an entire new cord on the thing. It was so ugly and outdated, but dad wouldn't let us get a new one because he said this one worked just fine!! It irritated me a little as a teenager, but I have grown to really appreciate those things about him as I have gotten older.